geotribu_cli.utils.file_stats module

Check file statistcs.

geotribu_cli.utils.file_stats.is_file_older_than(local_file_path, expiration_rotating_hours=24, dt_reference_mode='auto')

Check if the creation/modification date of the specified file is older than the mount of hours.

  • local_file_path (Path) – local path to the index file

  • expiration_rotating_hours (int, optional) – number in hours to consider the local file outdated. Defaults to 24.

  • dt_reference_mode (Literal['auto', 'creation', 'modification'], optional) – reference date type: auto to handle differences between operating systems, creation for creation date, modification for last modification date. Defaults to « auto ».


True if the creation/modification date of the file is older than the specified number of hours.

Type renvoyé:
